TWILIGHT – A huge thank you to everyone that has made this such a big success for the club. We only have one more week to go so if you’re free on Monday night, come on down and join in the fun. Starts at 5.45pm.
TIES – Congratulations to the following:
- Junior Women’s Singles: Keri Te Tamaki
- Junior Men’s Singles – Dean Willis
- Men’s Singles – Dean Willis
- Women’s Pairs – Tanya Whiteley & Keri Te Tamaki
- Men’s Pairs – Stewart Alderton & Blair Cowen
MISSING JACK/KITTY – Where has Max Grey gone???? The jack/kitty, I mean. Could everyone please check their lockers, their bowls bags, their jacket pockets, and anything that is of a size that could fit a jack and has been at the club recently.
MISSING TABLECLOTH – We are missing a gold-coloured tablecloth from the club. If anyone has it, can you please return it.
UNIFORM – A friendly reminder that when you are representing Green Island in Interclub play, the correct GIBC uniform is to be worn. This consists of:
- GIBC shirt
- Green or white shorts, trousers, skorts, or skirts
Shirts can be purchased from the club and hoodies, sweatshirts, jackets, etc, can be purchased PromoX in Hillside Road.
RETURN OF TROPHIES – If you were the lucky recipient of a trophy last season, can you please return them to the club….after you have given them a good, old clean, of course 😊 These can be left on the table in the women’s locker room. This also includes any from Bowls Dunedin.
VENUE HIRE INCREASE – There will be an increase in the venue being hired over the autumn/winter months so please don’t be alarmed if you see lights on at odd times including into the evening/night.
ST JOHN – We have been very fortunate to have been provided a new AED by St John Taieri. This has already been installed (thank you, Paul Seddon) in the same location as the previous one. We will be having a CPR / AED Refresher course as part of the winter social calendar.
2024/2025 SEASON CLOSING DAY – The closing day has been set for Saturday 12th April. This will be a Potluck dinner followed by prize giving. Bar opens at 4pm with dinner around 6pm.